We need to ask ourselves why we would be granted any level of dominion or honour or opportunities in the next world if we couldn't even reach our potential in this one? We need the knowledge and experience we gain here for the next purpose in the next world. We are either being prepared or we are being tested whether our characters could deal with the responsibility that is coming. We will reign with Him - we will help create a new world.
Not one in which control reigns nor one in which no inhibitions exist - i.e. total chaos or nihilism or negation of everything that exists. It is about learning and gaining experience by learning about the past and realising that knowledge to adjust it to its appropriateness and applicability to today's time and needs. Seeing the patterns to redirect the future. It is those who understand the necessity and purpose of something sacred and retaining the good and repurposing or re-understanding the bad. Re-conceptualising, transforming, exposing, revealing - this is history in the making.
Doomsday beliefs are nefarious because they take away the necessity to keep in mind true context and true responsibility and the true purpose of Christianity. To create a new world - from the Kingdom of Heaven, which is within us.